AnaplanFood IndustryFP&A

FP&A and Payroll for Forno de Minas

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Business Case: FP&A Anaplan Project for Forno de Minas

Forno de Minas, a renowned producer of diverse and delightful food products, aims to elevate its Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A) processes through the implementation of Anaplan. The primary goals include achieving a breakdown of costs at a profound level, enhancing financial planning accuracy, customizing HR payroll to country-specific rules, and expediting the budgeting process.

About Forno de Minas:
Founded in 1990 in Belo Horizonte, MG, Forno de Minas has grown into a global brand specializing in various delectable products, including the iconic pão de queijo. With a rich history of family ownership, the company returned to its founders in 2009 after a decade under a multinational umbrella. Today, Forno de Minas produces a diverse range of international delicacies, always prioritizing quality, flavor, and tradition.


  • Implementation of Anaplan for FP&A to achieve a detailed breakdown of costs.
  • Integration of Anaplan to enhance accuracy in financial planning processes.
  • Customization of HR payroll modules to comply with specific country rules.
  • Streamlining the budgeting process for increased efficiency.

Key Outcomes:

  • Cost Breakdown at a Profound Level:

    • Achieve granular visibility into costs across various aspects of production and operations.
    • Enable detailed cost analysis for better decision-making.
  • Enhanced Financial Planning Accuracy:

    • Utilize Anaplan's capabilities to improve the accuracy of financial forecasts and planning.
    • Implement advanced modeling to account for various scenarios and market dynamics.
  • Customized HR Payroll:

    • Tailor HR payroll modules within Anaplan to align with specific rules and regulations in different countries.
    • Ensure compliance and accuracy in payroll processes globally.
  • Streamlined Budgeting Process:

    • Implement Anaplan to expedite the budgeting process, reducing turnaround time.
    • Facilitate collaboration among different departments for a more agile and responsive budgeting framework.

Risks and Mitigation:

  • In-depth collaboration with finance, HR, and IT teams to understand specific requirements and challenges.
  • Rigorous testing and training programs to ensure smooth adoption and minimize disruptions.

The FP&A Anaplan project aligns with Forno de Minas' commitment to excellence and innovation. By focusing on achieving a detailed cost breakdown, enhancing financial planning accuracy, customizing HR payroll, and expediting the budgeting process, the company anticipates substantial improvements in operational efficiency and strategic decision-making.

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